The Costa Rica List

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Cars & Vehicles
Polaris Sportman
Cars & Vehicles
Polaris Sportman
Year: 2016
Kms: 3146
Mata de Plátano, San José
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ATV Model: Polaris Sportman 450HO (500cc) Year: 2016 Engine: 500cc OHC 4T. Price: $10.575 Negotiable cash. Style: Utility AWD Quad Transmission: Automatic, (Low Range / HI speeds) with differential locks. Reverse and Over ride. Condition: Excellent (Semi New). Odometer: 3146 Miles or 251 Hrs.
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The Best Private Sailing Trips In Guanacaste
Playas Del Coco, Guanacaste 50503
(506) 85290732
Our focus is the ocean, whether it is snorkeling tours for people looking for an immersion experience, or scuba trips, both one day tours and overnight trip to Catalina Islands, Murcielago or local spots like Cabeza e `Mono. El Refugio Nacazcol Eco tours is the premier tour operator for catamaran s...