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Dental Implants in Costa Rica
Dr. Jairo Vargas Clinic Dental Implants in Costa Rica
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Full rehabilitation with the use of an "all on 4" dental treatment is in the past. We have improved it with the use of an " all on 6" which is, as the name implies, adding 2 more implants to the original treatment. Why? , It´s safer and I want to make sure that your dental investment is not lost. If you were to loose one of your implants with the "all on 4" your treatment will fall apart and yes, your money with it. By adding two more implants the structure will be strong enough to survive the lost of one, which is fairly common. Yes, the important question comes to your mind now, how much more is it going to cost me? The cost of an "all on 6" is just a little more expensive, nothing to worry about, it still stays below the prices you are offered in the United States.