The Costa Rica List

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Cars & Vehicles
Mitsubishi Montero Sport GT 4X4
Cars & Vehicles
Mitsubishi Montero Sport GT 4X4
Year: 2018
Kms: 4500
San Felipe, San José
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For Sale, Like New 2018 Mitsubishi Montero Sport GT 4X4 2.4L Diesel. White Exterior with Black Leather Interior. Fully Loaded with all of the options. Less than 5k kilometers. Barely driven in great condition.
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Your Resource for Everything Fishing in Tamarindo
Tamarindo, Guanacaste 50309
506 8569 3516
Every trip with us is an exciting learning journey, tailored for you. With expert guidance from our crew, you’re not just fishing – you’re on a quest for the big catch! Our species-targeted trips are built to maximize your chances of landing that dream catch. Talk to the Captains, learn how to tie k...