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Maintenance Of Your Vehicles In Tamarindo Since 2011
Auto Servicio Tamarindo Maintenance Of Your Vehicles In Tamarindo Since 2011
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Auto Services is the optimal solution to all your automotive problems and needs. We are transparent, dedicated, efficient and have years of experience. We insist on giving personalized attention to each client, through the use of a computerized system with a history of repairs and maintenance. We are very proud to now offer a 24/7 towing service to any part of the country (Guanacaste, San José, Puntarenas, Limón, Heredia, Alajuela) since April 2021! I'm Mainor, the owner of Auto Servicios workshop. I have been passionate about mechanics since I was very young, and I arrived in Tamarindo with my family in 2011 to fulfill the dream that I have always had: to start my own business.