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It's Not a Place. It's a State of Mind.
Soulshine Avellanas It's Not a Place. It's a State of Mind.
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Discover this hidden gem in the jungles of Playa Avellanas, with 7 charming tropical bungalows walking distance to some of the most beautiful beaches in Costa Rica. Shine on! SoulShine has been delivering good vibes to Playa Avellanas since 2020; a beautiful piece of heaven where everything is made with love. Enjoy our refreshing, crystal clear pool, lush tropical gardens, and take a short walk to the pristine beach, with waves all year round and memorable sunsets. Whether you're a single traveler, a couple or a family, SoulShine is your home away from home in Playa Avellanas. Our 7 spacious tropical bungalows feature AC, hot water, mini-fridge and there's high-speed fiber-optic internet throughout the property. In our tropical garden, you'll find a fully-equipped outdoor kitchen to prepare a meal or fresh fruit smoothie in the company of howler monkeys and scarlet macaws.