The Costa Rica List

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San Rafael, Heredia
Farm for sale, San Rafael de Heredia, 218 acres
San Rafael, Heredia
Farm for sale, San Rafael de Heredia, 218 acres
$1,600,000 $1,600,000 Responsive image
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  • Size:

    840000 Sq Mtrs

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Farm for sale, Concepcion de San Rafael de Heredia, 88 hectares in 14 cadaster plans. Panoramic views, bird watching. Farm adjoins with Braulio Carrillo’s National Park. It has a concrete house to be repaired, internal road (4x4), own water supply, electricity. Views to Braulio Carrillo’s mountains and the central valley. Farm is located on protected zone; apt for: reforestation and bird watching. $1,600,000.

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An Inn and Organic Coffee Farm
Santa Bárbara, Heredia 40401
+506 2269 9392
Stay at Finca Rosa Blanca and experience authentic Costa Rica; combine luxury accommodations, a sustainable forested coffee farm, and cuisine that creatively honors the culinary traditions of the coffee highlands. Come share the richness of the local culture, steaming volcanoes, cloud forests and th...