The Costa Rica List

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Cars & Vehicles
Nissan XTrail 4x4
Cars & Vehicles
Nissan XTrail 4x4
Year: 2012
Kms: 150000
Santa Ana, San José
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2012 Nissan XTrail 4x4 automatic in excellent condition. 150000 Km. motor 2500cc gasoline, no problems. 5 person, color black outside and inside sell for $ 13000 cash, sell because moving to Europe if interested to see the car please call or WhatsApp 87257048
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All Day Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Playa Grande, Guanacaste 50308
506 84925051
At Pots & Bowls we want to offer our clients nutritional food through a friendly service and a space where you can find products from emerging artists, pots and plants. Our intention is creating a special and memorable experience while being conscious of our environment. We offer a balanced menu,...