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Cars & Vehicles
Land Rover Series 2 1969
Cars & Vehicles
Land Rover Series 2 1969
Year: 2016
Kms: 16000
Alajuela, Alajuela
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Land Rover serie 2a 88in 1969 soft top. Ford Ecoboost 2.3l turbo engine **310hp** 2016. Chassis, suspension +2in and Range Rover transmissions, disc brakes on all 4 axles and buster, box lt85 5th constant traction 4 MT 32 r16 tires , led lights, custom bumper. Original bodywork, recent paint and upholstery. Documents up to date. $30K
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Come as a Friend, Leave as Family..
Potrero, Guanacaste 50304
506 6061 2096
Enjoy our delectable food offerings while our fully stocked bar, including select wines and whiskeys, warms the soul in the tropical breeze. Whiskey-infused fun for the whole family! Dive into our family-friendly oasis with a poolside twist.