The Costa Rica List

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Start Your Adventure
Tuanis Adventures Start Your Adventure
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Costa Rica has a variety of fun and exciting things to do while you’re here on your trip. From relaxing spas to zipline and rafting tours, you name it and we can book it for you. Check out our most popular adventures. Tuanis Adventures is the passion for enjoying new things and going to new places with the help of people who make exploration their occupation. Check out our retreats schedule or customize your own trip! Guided by the beautiful people of Pura Vida, we appreciate every opportunity to connect, to tour, and to experience together. Tuanis Adventures has a variety of opportunities to have fun and discover Costa Rica in your own unique way. Whether you want to focus on improving your surfing and doing daily yoga, or venturing out to lesser known areas of the country. We can arrange everything from your meals to your transportation so that you only have to worry about enjoying your personalized adventure in Costa Rica.