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A Beachfront Yoga Studio
Playa Negra Beach Yoga A Beachfront Yoga Studio
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Located at the Hotel Playa Negra in Guanacaste, Costa Rica, with the ocean just 100 meters away; your dream yoga class awaits! JohnE Houston first came to Playa Negra on a surf trip with his buddies when he was in his teens, just a few years later he purchased property and got to work building his own house from the ground up. For more than twenty years he has been making a life here, returning as often as he could from his home and job as a charter captain on Captiva Island, Florida. John has been practicing yoga asana poses for most of his life, but he has been practicing a yogic lifestyle for all of it. He completed his first 200 hours of Yoga Teacher Training just up the road at the Peace Retreat center with a training offered by Soma Yoga and began teaching group yoga classes near his home in Florida where he quickly became a popular and highly sought after teacher. When Rosalia Lindo was ready to pass on the classes that she had been teaching for 10 years at Hotel Playa Negra, John eagerly accepted the opportunity to live and teach full time in beautiful Costa Rica.