The Costa Rica List

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Pioneers of Whale & Dolphin Watching in Costa Rica
Planet Dolphin Pioneers of Whale & Dolphin Watching in Costa Rica
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Come on board as we cruise in search for dolphins, migratory humpback whales, sea turtles, and manta rays, on our fun filled family adventure. As we make our way down the coastline of the Pacific Ocean in Guanacaste, you can admire the majestic islands and pristine beaches. Our guides will be ready to answer any questions you may have while giving a brief history of the area. During the tour you can enjoy delicious tropical beverages, fresh fruits and snacks. After touring the coast, we will anchor in a special area to enjoy swimming, snorkeling, diving off our second story jump platform, and don’t forget the adrenaline filled ride down the famous Tsunami waterslide in the warm clear Pacific waters. We provide the masks, snorkels, fins, bilingual guides and everything you need to dive and observe the underwater playground for numerous species of colorful tropical fish. You will discover the true meaning of the word PARADISE as you relax and enjoy the Pura Vida in this beautiful bay surrounded by the amazing beach landscape and the soothing sounds of the ocean. You can also enjoy a delicious late lunch with fresh grilled chicken, fish or vegetarian meal with salads and snacks.