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Making Your Visit Worth a Smile!
Pacific Smile Making Your Visit Worth a Smile!
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Pacific Smile was born with the passion to help others smile and shine brighter. Our goal is to treat the patient as whole, determining the root causes of each problem and finding solutions, not only in the dental area, but with an integral approach considering the body in general. Each tooth has an energetic corelation with other parts of the body. From looking at a patient’s mouth, we can determine which other organs might be weak, and in an integrative way, we guide you to the best smile you could ever imagine. At Pacific Smile we combine up to date dental technology with the Complementary Medicine and Holistic Techniques to heal the patient. By using Biodecodefication, Neural Therapy, and Bach Flower Theraphy, Bioenergetic Healing, among others, we can guarantee the best treatment possible for each individual case, recovering your smile from inside out! We consider our patients part of our family, and when our family members smile, we smile!