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Welcome To Dental Solutions Tamarindo
Dental Solutions Welcome To Dental Solutions Tamarindo
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Located in Tamarindo beach, Dental Solutions is a dental office with more than 17 years of experience. During all these years, we have put together a great team with specialists of the highest cailber, covering most dentistry areas. Our team is conformed by an orthodontist, periodontist, endodontist, maxillofacial surgeon, general dentists, and aesthetic. Dental Solutions is certified by the Costa Rican College of Dental Surgeons and by the Costa Rican Ministry of Public Health. To optimize our patients’ attention, we provide advanced technology such as digital X-rays, 3D digital impressions, implants immediate loaded, guided bone regeneration, and minimally invasive surgery. We work hand-to-hand with private dental labs that are compromised with innovation, technology, precision, and excellence, when it comes to create dental restorations. For that reason, our restorations can be provided by implementing Computer-aided design and Computer-aided manufacturing; this way, we value the time of our patients. Dr. Serrano and team will be pleased to diagnose, treat, and take care of your smile successfully.