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Enjoy The Best Zipline in Manuel Antonio!
Titi Canopy Tour Enjoy The Best Zipline in Manuel Antonio!
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Titi Canopy has been in operation for over 15 years and some of our ICT certified guides have been with us since the beginning! When you choose Titi Canopy, you can be assured that your safety comes first. We use state of the art equipment, our guides are trained in first aid and rescue, and most importantly, we have a perfect safety record! Titi Canopy is the only zip line tour located close to Manuel Antonio. We are about 5 minutes from Quepos, the town center of Manuel Antonio. From pick up to drop off, you will spend about 3 hours with us. With Titi Canopy, you will have time to do other activities or spend more time relaxing on the beach! The other canopy tours have 45 minutes to 1 hour travel times each way. Titi Canopy is family friendly and we cater to ages 5 and up! Smaller children will go tandem with our experienced guides. If you are able to walk and climb steps and stairs, you can do Titi Canopy! "I think I might be afraid to do a zip line." Don't worry, be happy! Our patient guides will give thorough instructions and if you feel apprehensive about it once you get to the starting point or after the first cable, you can quit. We won't tell. What happens in the jungle, stays in the jungle.