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For The Ultimate Costa Rica Resort Experience
The Springs Resort & Spa For The Ultimate Costa Rica Resort Experience
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Welcome to The Springs Resort & Spa where the word “Vacation” is truly defined. With a spectacular view of the Arenal Volcano, natural hot and cold springs, five unique dining experiences, and an impressive full-service Spa, The Springs Resort and Spa at Arenal promises to overwhelm you in every aspect of quality, service and design. CNN Travel voted our five-star property one of the seven resorts with the most spectacular views in the world, and we have hosted both “The Bachelor” and “Keeping up with The Kardashians” TV Programs. Our 165 acre property perches one thousand feet above the Arenal Valley on a mountain ridge just six kilometers north of the active volcano, but safely outside the government declared danger zone. The hotel’s higher altitude relative to other hotels in the area allows for not only incomparable views of the Arenal Volcano, the lush Arenal River Valley, and the surrounding towns that sparkle at night, but also access to the area’s famous prevailing breezes. Families are sure to enjoy the water slide, signature putt-putt course, kids’ game lounge and our Club Rio Adventure Center offering river tubing, kayaking, horseback riding, rock climbing, hot springs and our amazing Animal Sanctuary.