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The Ultimate Fishing Adventure In Quepos
Reel In Luxury Sport Fishing The Ultimate Fishing Adventure In Quepos
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We started a sight seeing boat tour, 23 years ago, which is where we learned how to cater to our passengers and offer quality service. Although our background is in sailing, this is really a much better place to fish. In fact, it’s one of the best places in the world for Big Game Fishing.People have always come here to fish, and they will keep coming, even if Costa Rica ceases to be one of the most popular tourist destinations. We recognized that this is the single most unique experience that this area has to offer, and so when it came time to start another business here in Costa Rica, we decided that fishing offered the best potential. We hired the best captains and Mates, bought two beautiful, Luxury Sport Fishing Yachts, and set out to become the number one Sport Fishing company in Quepos, a goal which we have since realized.