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All Day Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Pots and Bowls All Day Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
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At Pots & Bowls we want to offer our clients nutritional food through a friendly service and a space where you can find products from emerging artists, pots and plants. Our intention is creating a special and memorable experience while being conscious of our environment. We offer a balanced menu, avoiding processed food with an intention to provide healthy, simple and delicious options all within your diet and restrictions. Most of our menu ingredients are done from scratch to maintain the quality, freshness and flavor. Some of these are: Pesto, peanut butter, hummus, dressings, granola, spicy sauce, almond milk, coconut milk, oat milk, cold-pressed juices, orange juice, lemonade, desserts and more. We try to offer seafood from certified and responsable fishing techniques that come from artisanal fishermen from the Gulf of Nicoya. We only work with cultivated shrimp maintaining a minimal in our menu offer as well as our red meat. We offer Cafe Willows from Naranjo, Hacienda Miramonte. The grains are 100% coffee arabica from a family business that has passed on through 5 generations making their coffee always with the same effort and love.