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Fine Dining in Flamingo
Hazel's Steak & Seafood Fine Dining in Flamingo
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We are excited to share our love of food with others, and determined to create a restaurant that is truly special and unique. We want my restaurant to become a place where people can come together, relax, and enjoy a delicious meal, wine, laughter and so much more. Starting a restaurant is a dream that I’ve had for a long time. I used my dedication, and passion to turn that dream into a reality. For me, the journey to opening my own restaurant began many years ago, when I first started working in the food industry. I have always been fascinated by the way that different flavors and ingredients can come together to create something truly special. Costa Rica has access to amazing fresh seafood and high quality beef to make exquisite steaks. I am excited to share my love of food with others, and determined to create a restaurant that is truly special and unique. I want my restaurant to become a place where people can come together, relax, and enjoy a delicious meal, wine, laughter and so much more.