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Your Resource for Everything Fishing in Tamarindo
Capullo Your Resource for Everything Fishing in Tamarindo
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Every trip with us is an exciting learning journey, tailored for you. With expert guidance from our crew, you’re not just fishing – you’re on a quest for the big catch! Our species-targeted trips are built to maximize your chances of landing that dream catch. Talk to the Captains, learn how to tie knots from the crew, find out how things work on the boat, the list goes on. Our crew doesn’t just work hard, they care about making your trip memorable. From the crew’s vast fishing knowledge to the attentive service from Roy & Louise. Every member of the team is here to make your day on the water fantastic. The thrill doesn’t end when you pull in your catch. Let us clean, bag, and ice your fish, and then we’ll point you to the best local restaurants where your fresh catch transforms into a delightful dinner.